Our Supporters
We firmly believe that our success is due to the kindness and generosity of our community. Our program thrives in tandem with our partnerships, supporters, and volunteers. Your contributions help us to make this program a reality and we are eternally grateful. If you'd like to support our cause, please email aravah@longtableharvest.org.
Berkshire Bank Foundation - The Spark of Hudson - Stewart's Shop - Hannaford Foundation
Gleanweb - Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation - Hudson River Bank & Trust - Gaskins
Untitled Productions - St. Peter's Presbyterian Church - GTel Teleconnections - Kinderhook Bank
Time and Space Limited - CrossRoads Food Shop - Ghent Food Pantry - Greylock Federal Credit Union
Catholic Charities of Columbia and Greene Counties - Taconic Foundation - Hover Foundation
Key Bank - Honest Weight Food Co-op - Rheinstrom Hill Community Foundation
Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley - Ellis L. Phillips Foundation - Rock Solid Church
Chatham Food Pantry - Reach Out Church - Philmont-Mellenville Food Pantry
and the many individuals who have donated and continue to support our efforts!