Gleaning Program
The foundation of our Gleaning Program is based on strong partnerships with area farms which sustain reliable weekly distributions of fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins to food pantries, youth programs, senior living centers, subsidized housing, and community organizations throughout Columbia, Dutchess and Greene Counties. To date we have worked with over 64 farms to pick-up already harvested produce every Monday and Tuesday, distributing to over 30 recipient sites on the same day to maintain peak freshness. The winter months have us gleaning more sporadically, with the occasional distribution of seconds storage vegetables.
We launched the Gleaning Program in the late spring of 2016, which has run continuously from June through November since then. Our first year culminated in the redistribution of over 31,000 pounds of sustainably grown food from over 25 farms to 15 sites on a weekly basis in Columbia County. In 2017, we expanded our program to service Mid and Northern Dutchess County, working with 15 new farms and 16 new food pantries and youth programs. In 2023, we have formalized our relationships in eastern Greene County which include five distribution sites and three farms.
In-Field Gleaning
In the past we have offered more in-field gleaning opportunities. At this moment in time, we organize limited gleans with local orchards in the late summer. Check out our Gleans page to see if there are any scheduled.