Information for New Volunteers

Thank you for registering as a volunteer with Long Table Harvest! We look forward to meeting you. By volunteering with Long Table Harvest, you are agreeing to the Terms of Participation. Here is other helpful information.

First, registration

Everyone who attends a glean must first be registered as a volunteer. Once you are registered, you are eligible to sign up for gleans, and you don't have to register again. If you have not signed up for a glean for 14 months you will no longer be sent emails announcing large gleans. You can go to the Volunteer page to renew your registration.

Find out about gleans

For large gleans, we will send an email with a description of the glean and a link to the Gleans page. They will also be posted on the Gleans page. Often, we find out about crop donations on very short notice, so check your email or the Gleans page regularly.

Sign up for a glean

Open gleans are posted on the Gleans page. To sign up, click on the glean link, and then type in your name. You must type it exactly as you did when you first registered, so we can match your record in our database.

You must read and check off the Release and Waiver to be added to the roster. Then click on the button that says 'Signup for this glean.'

How will I know where the glean is?

After you sign up, you'll see a page with the address of the glean and helpful information, such as whether a ladder is needed. This is the only place the actual address appears on the website so write it down or print it out.

You'll also receive an email with the same information and a link back to that web page. If you want to check out your history of participation or have the email resent, go to the 'Volunteer' button on our homepage.

Please cancel if you can't make it!

If your schedule changes, please cancel so someone else can take your spot. The email you receive will include a link where you can cancel. Your courtesy will also help us schedule the right number of volunteers for the available produce.

When you arrive

When you arrive Long Table Harvest volunteers will show you where to park and help you check in. We'll provide a brief orientation with helpful tips and information about the property.

Every adult who attends a glean must be a registered volunteer and must have signed up online for that glean. Children do not need to register or sign up, but must be supervised by an adult who is on the roster. Please note that not all gleans allow children. We will post specific information when gleans are child-friendly.

That is all the basic information! Please keep reading to find answers to questions that volunteers often have about Long Table Harvest.

Who runs Long Table Harvest?

Long Table Harvest unites farmers, community volunteers, backyard gardeners, health advocates and food providers to glean and donate excess produce into our local food system. Our mission is to connect people with food that would go uneaten, reduce hunger throughout our county, and build a sense of community. As a non-profit organization we are entirely dependent on donations to support our efforts. If you share our mission and would like to help, click the 'Donate' button on our Home page.

What should I do if my contact information changes?

If you are changing contact information like your email address or phone number, go to the Volunteer page and click on 'Update.If you need to make a name change, write to Dick Yates at

Why won't the signup page let me on the roster?

You may have typed your name differently than you did when you initially registered. You also need to check off the Release and Waiver of Liability. If you are still unable to access the roster, contact Dick at or (503) 991-5525.

I forgot to write down the glean address!

The email you receive after you sign up includes a link to information about the glean, including the address. If you have signed up for the glean but have lost this email, go to the Long Table Harvest website and click on the 'Volunteer' button. Click the button there to get another email. If you have any trouble, contact Dick.

Can I bring my kids?

At the moment, most of our gleans are for adults age 18 and older but we will coordinate some gleans open to youth and children. Youth under age 18 don't need to register as volunteers, but parents are required to check off the waiver form, agreeing to provide supervision. Volunteers under age 18 must be actively supervised by an adult who is on the glean roster.

We believe that volunteering with Long Table Harvest is a valuable educational experience and a fabulous opportunity for young folks to give back to the community. When we announce new gleans, we will call special attention to those that are appropriate for children.

What should I bring to the glean?

  • Bring water to drink, and please take care of any bathroom needs before arriving. We will not have access to a restroom.
  • You may want to bring gloves thin work gloves for handling some types of produce but it is not necessary.
  • Bring a reusable bag. Our volunteer gleaners are able to take some produce home with them.

What should I wear?

We suggest sunblock, a long-sleeved T-shirt, long pants, comfortable closed-toe shoes and a hat.

Has the produce been sprayed with chemicals?

Our gleans take place at a wide variety of properties. Most of them use sustainable practices and don’t have chemicals on-site. We always ask the grower whether or not their fruit/vegetables has been sprayed with non-organic chemicals in the last three years, and we include that information when we schedule the glean.

Do I have to stay for the entire time?

Since space is limited at many of the glean sites, we ask that you register to glean only when you can arrive on time and stay for the whole time until the crop is picked. Most gleans are scheduled for about two hours.

Who should I contact if I have other questions?

Please check out the Contacts page. We are always happy to help.